The danish skippers Rene and Dan Schmidt on L526 “Lonny Hedvig” started using 10m² Type 21 VF “Flipper” doors for sprat fishing in the North Sea
After their first trip with the new “Flipper” doors Rene and Dan said they were really satisfied and the doors fully met their expectations.
The industrial fishermen from Thyboron are looking forward to putting the doors to a real-life test in october, when the fishing season for norwegian sprat starts.
The trawldoors’ spreading power can be reduced up to 17% and the water resistance can be reduced by up to 24 % by opening the foils. Changing the angle of attack allows for further reductions. And this is exactly what they need for sprat fishery, because they use a different trawl and they are fishing deeper, with a different towing speed.
The skippers Rene and Dan Schmidt are extremely pleased with this “two in one” solution, especially when changing from one fishery to another.