
Steelfloats to mount on the wing-ends of a trawl to give more vertical opening and also to help lifting the trawl up in the water when fishing close to the surface.


Steelfloats to mount on the wing-ends of a trawl to give more vertical opening and also to help lifting the trawl up in the water when fishing close to the surface.

Steel floats

These steelfloats are being used on each wingend on a pelagic trawl to help increasing the vertical opening and also for fishing in shallow water to help lifting the headline on the trawl all the way up to the surface which will help the pelagic trawl doors not to break the surface because the doors are not lifting the trawl up, they can work more independent / straight in the water.

Sizes and lift capacities

We supply steel floats in 6 different sizes with the following lift capacities:

Lift capacity Order number Technical specifications
630 kg 1300ltr X1300000 Datasheet
900 kg 1750ltr X1750000 Datasheet
1030 kg 1950ltr PX1950000 Datasheet
1300 kg 2300ltr X2300000 Datasheet
1400 kg 2400ltr X2400000 Datasheet
1600 kg 2700ltr X2700000 Datasheet

Contact us

Learn more about the options and possibilities the world’s leading manufacturer of trawldoors can offer you.

We have solutions for all kinds of bottom-fishing, semipelagic and pelagic fishing.