Pelagic Trawldoors from the world’s leading manufacturer
Pelagic Trawldoors from the world’s leading manufacturer

Our selection of pelagic trawldoors
Type 15 VF
Type 15 VF pelagic trawl door is an all-round high aspect pelagic trawldoor. One of the most efficient pelagic trawl doors in the world.
Type 20 VF “Flipper”
Type 20 VF “Flipper” pelagic trawl door is an all-round high aspect pelagic trawldoor, one of the most efficient pelagic trawl doors in the world.
Type 22 “bluestream” VF/VK FLIPPER
Type 22 VF - Bluestream High efficient trawl door is an high aspect pelagic trawldoor, one of the most efficient and all around trawl doors in the world.
Apollo Xstream
Apollo Xstream pelagic trawl door is an allround high aspect pelagic trawldoor used all over the world.
Type 32 Bluestream
The type 32 BLUESTREAM is a new highly efficient trawl door which a lot of power.
Type 42 Bluestream
The type 42 BLUESTREAM – two trawldoor designs build together into one powerhouse of a trawldoor
Type 15 VF
Type 15 VF pelagic trawl door is an all-round high aspect pelagic trawldoor. One of the most efficient pelagic trawl doors in the world.
Type 20 VF “Flipper”
Type 20 VF “Flipper” pelagic trawl door is an all-round high aspect pelagic trawldoor, one of the most efficient pelagic trawl doors in the world.
Type 22 “bluestream” VF/VK FLIPPER
Type 22 VF - Bluestream High efficient trawl door is an high aspect pelagic trawldoor, one of the most efficient and all around trawl doors in the world.
Apollo Xstream
Apollo Xstream pelagic trawl door is an allround high aspect pelagic trawldoor used all over the world.
Type 32 Bluestream
The type 32 BLUESTREAM is a new highly efficient trawl door which a lot of power.
Type 42 Bluestream
The type 42 BLUESTREAM – two trawldoor designs build together into one powerhouse of a trawldoor
Pelagic Trawldoors
A new era started within Thyboron Trawldoor in 1997 where we in close cooperation with the company friend and fisherman John Bach, manufactured the TYPE 8 Pelagic Trawl door. These doors were made for pelagic fishing, targeting species like Herring, Mackarel and Blue Whiting.
After years of development and experience from pelagic fishing area’s around the world, Thyboron Trawldoor did in 2007 present the TYPE 15 to the world’s fishermen.
The TYPE 15VF was superior within spreading ability while maintaining low resistance. For years it was by far the most efficient pelagic trawl door on the marked.
The TYPE 15VF showed great stability and the high-quality material made sure that they where long lasting. Several, in fact more than 700 vessels was using the TYPE 15VF up to 2015 where the competition between different designs increased.
Once again in 2017 Thyboron Trawldoor made a technology leap, now introducing the BLUESTREAM technology implemented in the new design called TYPE 22.
The BLUESTREAM technology is the key feature of the new trawl doors by Thyboron Trawldoor. By developing a door with a more fluent and efficient waterflow Thyboron Trawldoor has succeeded in bringing this revolutionary invention to the world’s fishermen. The concept is simple- a door that creates greater spread with less resistance. As the trawl doors are towed through the water, the double foiling system forces water through the foils at higher speed thus creating a greater amount of lift while at the same time reducing drag.
Spreading power and drag resistance of trawls doors can be measured operationally in a flume tank. To calculate the lift and drag ratios (CL-Lift Coefficient and CD-Drag Coefficient) trawl doors are tested at multiple angles of attack. The optimal angle of attack is the most efficient angle where CL is highest, and the CD is lowest.
As part of the trawl door designing and testing protocol once a door has been tested in a flume tank a full-scale model is built and tested at sea on a fishing vessel.
This means fisherman can downsize to the smaller sized BLUESTREAM Type 22 doors and increase their trawling efficiency. The smaller sized, more efficient door increases the spreading force and decreases the resistance by more than 50% which translate into significant fuel savings. The impressive fuel savings and performance of the BLUESTREAM Technology has already been proven on several fishing vessels all over the world.
The BLUESTREAM trawl doors are a totally versatile high aspect trawl door. These doors can be used for all kinds of fishing set-ups including bottom fishing, semi-pelagic fishing “flying doors off the bottom” and direct pelagic fishing.
The TYPE 22 is now being used and are improving the fishery for vessels in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, but most of all the Far East and the Bering Sea.
For more information about our Pelagic Trawl Doors, feel free to contact us.
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Learn more about the options and possibilities the world’s leading manufacturer of trawldoors can offer you.
We have solutions for all kinds of bottom-fishing, semipelagic and pelagic fishing.