Letter from the skipper on Frank Bonefaas sch72
Letter from the skipper on Frank Bonefaas sch72
We took pair of Thyboron Type 14 on board for the first trip of this year.
New delivery of doors for the Norwegian market, going for shrimpfishing on Andenesfisk 1.
Shipment for Norway 1 sets 9.5type 154 VFG for Gadus Neptun. 1 rollerclump for New Building Holmøy 6800-8000kg.
2 sets 4.5 type 14 Low model used for outrigger going to USA for custumor Toni Mitchell
13m2 type 20 ready for shipment doors are going to Holland, to Maartje Theadora.
Sending 6000kg clump for F/V J.Bergwoll going to Norway.
First pair of Type 21 Flipper to Island for HB Grandi Vessel Helga Maria.
After we have had the pleasure of several North Atlantic low pressure areas over the past month in northwestern Denmark, it’s slowly getting quieter for the Christmas season. This doesn’t apply to Thyboron Trawldoor though.
The Danish trawler L153 Malle, with skipper Tommy Bach at the helm, is extremely pleased with his new Thyboron trawldoors.