76m2 multi-species Canadian freezer trawler Saputi, owned by Qikiqtaaluk Fisheries Corporation operates alongside the Canadian coast, fishing for shrimp and turbot. SAPUTI succesfully tested the Thyboron trawl doors on a trip with bad weather in January and February, fishing for shrimps Feedback from the Captain of Saputi, Danjal Niclasen: "We tried the new thyboron doors last trip and we're very happy with the results. Saputi is an old lady now and under powered. We have been looking for something easier to tow and hold a good spread. The new Thyporon doors did just that. Towing in ice we had trouble keeping the pressure on our doors but these doors have the stability of a conventional bottom trawl door and the spreading force of the pelagic doors and we also used less wire ratio. So over all, we got more spread and they were easier to tow,